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Is deazoo free?
Yes! Deazoo is free and will also remain free!

Where does deazoo have it's deals?
deazoo pursues a great goal every day: to supply you with the best possible products at the lowest prices. Thanks to a lot of passion and know-how, the deazoo editorial team can 100% guarantee you that you will find only excellent deals with top price-performance ratio at deazoo!

Do I need to write a review when I receive a promo-code?
You do not have to write a product review. Of course, our partners are happy about every review or review, but do not expect any consideration from the Amazon product voucher.

How do deazoo coins work?
Each deazoo member receives 1 DC (deazoo Coin) after registeration:

By the way:

Muss ich ein Amazon- bzw. eBay-Konto besitzen um an Deals teilzunehmen?
Yes. Deazoo deals always go over Amazon or Ebay. Depending on the type of deal you need either an Amazon or an eBay account.

Will my data be passed to third parties?
No. The data stored at deazoo is used solely for the allocation of deazoo deals or the transfer of the voucher. Deazoo expressly undertake for not passing the deposited data to third parties.